A: We deliver products throughout India, and our distributor network ensures coverage in every location.

A: Products can be returned or exchanged within 7 days of delivery. Used products are not eligible for return or exchange.

A: The delivery time depends on the location. We strive to deliver within the estimated time frame for each area.

A: We accept UPI, bank cards, and cash on delivery as payment methods.

A: Order processing usually takes only a few hours. Once we collect product details, we dispatch the order promptly.

A: We offer a diverse range of products, including [list specific categories.

A: Yes, we provide order tracking services. You can track your order through our website or mobile app.

A: Shipping charges may apply depending on the delivery location. You can check the applicable charges during the checkout process.

A: Currently, we only deliver within India. We do not offer international shipping.

A: To initiate a return or exchange, please contact our customer service within 7 days of receiving your order.

A: Warranty terms vary by product. Please refer to the product description or contact our customer service for specific warranty information.

A: Once an order is placed, modifications or cancellations may not be possible. Please contact us immediately if you need assistance.

A: We prioritize the security of your payment information. Our payment methods, including UPI and bank cards, undergo stringent security measures.

A: Cash-on-delivery is available in select locations. You can check the availability during the checkout process.

A: You can reach our customer support team through [provide contact details].

A: The estimated delivery time varies based on your location. You can check the expected delivery time during the checkout process.

A: Yes, gifts can be returned within the specified return period, provided they meet our return policy criteria.

A: Yes, we offer a loyalty program that rewards customers for their repeat purchases. Details can be found on our website.

A: Check our website or promotional emails for the latest discounts and promotions. We frequently update our offers.

A: You can enter the coupon code in the designated field during the checkout process to avail of the discount.